UNLV Career Handbook - Magazine - Page 5
Your Personal Brand is the identity you create for
yourself and should reinforce who you are and what you
stand for. It should be well-de昀椀ned and have a consistent
look, message, and presence in person and online.
Your Professional Brand is based on your professional
merits and career accomplishments. It should showcase
characteristics that are relevant to how you present
yourself and interact with others, your knowledge, and
your productivity in a business or work environment.
It is how you demonstrate your skills, personality, and
values in person and online. Your professional brand also
includes how others perceive you in your career 昀椀eld.
Your professional brand is what matters to potential
employers, networking contacts, and anyone who can
help launch or grow your career.
At UNLV Career Services & Workforce Development, we
provide you with the tools to effectively create, develop,
and promote your professional brand.
Professional Branding Action Plan
• Building your Brand – Values, Interests, Priorities, Skills
• Identifying Skills, Skills Inventory
• Developing your Brand – Success Skills, Upskilling
• Bridging the Skills Gap
• Promoting your Brand
• Resume – The written representation of your
professional brand
• Interview – Verbally representing your
professional brand
• Interview Attire – A visual representation of your brand
• Networking – Communicating your brand to others
Creating your professional brand is an ongoing process and
is not meant to be permanent. As you progress through your
career, you will develop new competencies and build skills.
To have a competitive edge in an ever-changing career
landscape, you should reevaluate your professional brand to
promote yourself better and have a competitive edge.