UNLV Career Handbook - Magazine - Page 38
A cover letter can be a critical component of any job
application and help candidates stand out from the rest of
the applicants. You'll have a competitive advantage when
you can demonstrate that you are an excellent 昀椀t for the
company right in your cover letter.
It is important to create a well-crafted cover letter to
complement your resume. A cover letter lets you say
what you cannot address on your resume. It allows you
to express your enthusiasm about the position to the
employer and that your skills and experience make you
the best person for the job.
Your Name
Personal Address
City, State, Zip Code
Here is a suggested
format to follow for
your cover letter.
Recipient Name
Recipient Title
Recipient Company Name
Business Address
City, State, Zip Code
Do Your Homework Before Writing a Cover Letter
Start by researching the company to understand its
mission and core values. This can be accomplished by
reviewing their website, LinkedIn, and other social media
channels. Demonstrate how your goals align with theirs
and what you like about the company culture in your
cover letter.
Use Keywords from the Job Posting
• Specify the position for which you are applying and how
you learned of the position
• If referred by a speci昀椀c person, mention the name here
• State your reason for applying and why you are interested
• Refer the employer to the enclosed resume
• Highlight your skills and quali昀椀cations and how you have
demonstrated them
Job descriptions contain keywords you will want to
incorporate throughout your cover letter. Start by
making a list of the most frequently used words in
the job posting. Repeat this practice for any cover
letters you write so that the language is speci昀椀c to the
particular positions.
• Provide evidence of researching the organization
Construct Your Cover Letter
• Reiterate your interest and express your desire to meet
for an interview
Hiring managers and recruiters can be time-constrained,
especially when reviewing many job applications
simultaneously. Make sure you keep your cover letter
length to a single page.
• Specify your accomplishments and why the organization
should hire you
• Express the fact that you are quali昀椀ed for the position
• Explain how you can be contacted and invite the reader
to contact you
Closing Line
Typed Name